News & Insights

  • Trust Plan

Settling the Final Affairs of a Loved One

After a loved one passes, it can be difficult to settle their final affairs, especially if they did not have an estate plan in place. Without a Will or Trust, the state’s default estate plan will apply and likely have to be administered through a court probate. While every estate is different, the administration can be broken down into several key steps.

2022-09-06T22:51:14+00:00August 31st, 2022|
  • Retirement Planning in a Bear Market

Preparing for Retirement in a Bear Market

As we currently face a bear market, ensure your retirement assets are properly positioned as the markets evolve. Learn how to accommodate required minimum distributions and other hurdles while protecting your savings.

2022-07-20T15:06:51+00:00July 20th, 2022|
  • College Student Power of Attorney

Protect Your College Student With Powers of Attorney for Healthcare and Property

If your college student is home for the summer, the next few months provide an ideal window of opportunity to sign powers of attorney before the next academic year. Parental access to a child’s medical and financial information is restricted following their 18thbirthday, limiting the aid parents can provide if their adult child experiences unexpected illness, injury or other difficult life circumstances.

2022-06-29T13:57:37+00:00June 29th, 2022|
  • Real Estate Tax Appeal

Prepare for the Upcoming Real Estate Tax Appeal Opportunity

Buckley Fine has partnered with experienced real estate tax appeal attorneys to help you in preparing strong appeals before this year’s deadline. If you are considering an appeal of a commercial, industrial, office or residential property, feel free to contact our real estate team for a recommendation.

2022-06-14T15:14:57+00:00May 24th, 2022|
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